Jennifer Little BSc Hons MSc RNutr,
Equinutrition, Independent Equine Nutritionist

Fibre is a major nutrient for horses that is broken down by microbes in the hindgut. These microbes convert fibre into Volatile Fatty Acids, which are then used for energy. It is critical for digestive health that the correct levels of fibre are provided. Fibre is a component in many sources of feed, from grass through to the tough outer layer of unprocessed grains. But commonly the term “fibre” is a reference to sources of forages. Such as grasses, preserved forages such as hay or haylage and legumes such as alfalfa. These forages will also provide other nutrients including protein, carbohydrates, and oils. However, their higher composition of fibre explains the simplified terminology of referring to forages as ‘fibre’.